While some onlookers may have compared it to a scene from New York, the truth is that the concept behind our storefront display at Moksín was rooted in local elements. Over the past few months, our window transformed into a temporary nursery, nurturing around 30 oak trees. Visitors witnessed the acorns evolve into small saplings, which have now found new homes in the public parks of A Estrada and will soon be planted in Santiago, ensuring a long-lasting impact.

Why turn a storefront into a temporary nursery? Typically, when a store changes its window display, the decorations that once brought it to life are discarded as mere waste. Storefronts are ephemeral, with expiration dates. So, we pondered if there could be a way to give these decorations a purpose beyond their fleeting moment. Thus, the idea was born.

If a storefront could become a living entity, it would continue to serve a purpose during seasonal changes. The only requirement would be to choose a living element that not only represents our locality but also resonates with our aspirations. It had to be something authentically Galician and uniquely special.

The winning choice was a tree, as oaks hold deep cultural significance in Galicia and symbolize enduring existence. Year after year, an oak tree grows, providing shade under which we can stroll and rest. Acorns were collected in February, planted in March, and nurtured within the storefront between June and July. Planting an oak tree is a straightforward process, and by following expert instructions, one can have a healthy plant in no time.

That's how the trees landed in our spring-summer storefront. The acorns matured in ceramic cups designed by Verónica Moar, serving as their temporary home until it was time for transplantation. These oak trees became more than just a display; they sparked micro-stories, inspired concerts, and even formed the basis for an exhibition, demonstrating that a storefront can be vibrant and alive like never before.

Recipe for Planting Your Own Oak Tree:






A cup

Planting your own oak tree is as easy as the experiments we did with beans and lentils back in school. All you need is an acorn collected from any Galician woodland and a cup to plant it in. Use three parts soil to one part sand, and keep the surface consistently moist. Remember to regularly rotate the cup to ensure the oak receives equal sunlight, preventing it from growing lopsided.